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  • Writer's pictureAnne Anderson

Looking for Loneliness

Loneliness is the feeling of overwhelming sadness when you are alone, or in a group or maybe in a relationship. Loneliness is your body's way of telling you, you need social connection.

Some people have moved house and don’t know where to start making friends, or someone has died and the world isn’t the same anymore.

So if you are having these unhappy feelings and thoughts, just know that this can be turned upside down and stilled with some company and building new social connections.

At The Chitter Chatter Club, we offer you safe places to do just that. Our invite is daily so come and join us for a really nice chitter-chatter at one of our friendly tables.

‘Together, we will heal loneliness’ so no one will ever feel alone, ignored, unwanted, or have to live without hope ever again.

P.S., If you see someone who you think may be lonely, say ‘Hi.’ It could be the first time they have been seen or spoken to for weeks, or months.

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